Lawn Care

We offer a variety of services to make sure your lawn is the envy of the neighborhood. You may actually want to warn your neighbors beforehand because distracted driving is a proven side affect of JB's Landscaping Lawn Care...okay that's not true, but it will look good!

[Click here] to see all of the Lawn Maintenance Packages.
Party Cuts: If you are having a party at your house and want us to make your lawn look extra special, we offer the option of a Party Cut. We will cut the lawn twice in opposite directions and bag up all the grass clippings so no one will track grass into your house or pool during your party. This service is sure to “wow” all of your guests on the big day.

- Dimension - Crabgrass pre-emergent and spring fertilizer
- Eliminate - Makes your lawn weed free
- Lime - Soil pH Neutralization
- Fungicide - Kills fungus in lawn
- Insecticide - Controls pests above and below the lawn surface
- Merit - Grub treatment plus fertilizer
- Fertilizer - Fall Treatment
To put things more clearly, the 7 Point Treatment will make even the unhealthiest of lawns into an oasis of plush green grass.
[Click here] to view all Fertilizing Packages.
Dethatching, Aerating, and Over-seeding: Similar to the fertilizer treatments, we will come out and assess your lawn.
A culprit of brown patches or generally unhealthy grass can be due to thatch. Thatch accumulates on the surface of soil below the grass line and is usually not noticeable unless you're looking for it. We can come in with specialized equipment and the following techniques:
- Dethatching - This initial step removes the layer of thatch that is sitting above the soil and producing brown spots in your lawn. The thatch is then removed using the vacuum systems on our mowers.
- Aeration - We will then aerate your entire lawn. This process involves removing small plugs of grass, which exposes the soil to more air. See more benefits to aeration below.
- Over-seeding - Finally, we will spread new grass on your lawn to promote consistent and deep-rooted growth.
That is all very technical. Here are the benefits:
- Improves air flow to soil - grass grows faster and more consistently
- Deeper grass roots - requires less water and is more resistant to drought and summer heat
- Improves fertilizer uptake - your lawn gets more out of the fertilizer treatments
- Accelerates thatch break down - helps make your lawn resistant to thatch build up, so you won't need to go through this whole process as often
Residential and commercial property owners can have the best-looking lawn in their neighborhood or enjoy lush and vibrant scenery all year round with our professional help. It is easy for us to achieve this kind of result because of our comprehensive lawn care services. Your lawn and other landscape features will be in good hands if you will hire professionals like us. As lawn care experts, we have the required resources and skilled people who can expertly perform technical tasks. Dial 908-496-4755 now and we will walk you through our thorough assessment.