Landscape Lighting

Take your landscape to the next level by showing it off at night! Landscape lighting can dramatically improve the appearance of your home and you do not have to break the bank in order to do so. Another plus to landscape lighting is security – a well-lit home will often defer anyone from trying to break in.
There are different forms of landscape lighting that can be incorporated easily to your existing property. These are considered more of an accent to the existing property where you as the homeowner can accentuate certain features of your home to improve the curb appeal. These include lights that shine on your trees, lights that can shine up on your house and lights installed in your flower/mulch beds that shine light on pathways around your home. Another option of landscape lighting is one that can be incorporated within new hardscape walls and/or steps – this adds the extra safety feature of fewer trips and falls to visitors if other outdoor lighting is not utilized or if these areas are not well lit in general. Landscape lighting can be wired to a timer which can be adjusted based on daylight savings. This can serve as an added safety feature so your home will always have the appearance of someone being present even when you are not.
Landscape lighting has definitely changed the last few decades. There used to be very limited options and most were not appealing to the eye. Now, the options available include products that enhance the landscape during the daytime as well. There are different finishes that can either match your current outdoor fixtures or choose a finish that hides the lights within the landscape. Some fixtures even have an app that you can download on your phone to give you the ability to turn on or off your lights from anywhere!
As with anything, landscape lighting has different price points, but there are some very affordable options which can truly benefit the curb appeal that is desired. If you are interested in learning more about landscape lighting, contact us today!