908-496-4755 239 ROUTE 94, COLUMBIA, NJ 07832
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5 Benefits of Landscape Lighting

Landscape Lighting, Columbia, NJ If you wish to enhance your outdoor areas' charm, making them warm and visually appealing, now might be the time to install lighting features in and around your yard. These are five notable benefits of landscape lighting:


Besides its visual aesthetics, adequate outdoor lighting is also an excellent way to improve the safety of your residential or commercial property. As previously stated, you can hire professionals to install light posts along your pathways, driveways, and walkways. Besides, consider placing these lights in uneven areas and near staircases. This can be used to guide guests and family members when it’s dark outside, preventing injuries like sprained ankles or even stopping you from accidentally tripping and injuring yourself.


Adequate landscape lighting deters criminals. One of the most critical functions of outdoor lighting is to increase your property's security and act as a deterrent. By most statistics, burglary is by far the most frequent threat to a house every 13 seconds in the United States. Floodlights are an effective way to illuminate dark areas produced by your home's design. Additionally, guests will feel more secure visiting your property after dark if they see a straight pathway to your front entrance and your doorstep is adequately lit.

Aesthetic Appeal

By carefully putting outdoor lights across your landscape, you can highlight your property's best characteristics and boost curb appeal. Outdoor lighting can also be employed to draw attention to your property's unique architectural elements. A moonlight effect is a popular approach used among numerous designers. Light is mild and no greater than a full moon in this design scheme, but it nevertheless lights specific outdoor living spaces and other areas.

Enhance Property Value

Any improvement to your home increases the value of your property. The beauty of outdoor lighting is that you will immediately see a return on your initial investment while also reaping the benefits from all the incredible advantages it offers you. According to the National Association of Homebuilders, 41% of prospective buyers view outdoor lighting as a necessary feature of their dream house, while 49% view it as desirable.


By carefully placing outdoor lights across your landscape, you can draw attention to various existing features. Install energy-efficient solar lighting fixtures direct guests, to your front entrance through pathways and walkways. Additionally, you can use landscape lighting to denote property limits and construct boundaries around your yard sections. Outdoor lighting is also a great way to highlight unique elements in your yard such as fire features, water features such as ponds, fountains, and trees.

For more information on our landscape lighting services, get in touch with JB’S Landscaping 908-496-4755, or send us your queries via this Online Form, and we will get back to you within the shortest possible time.

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